Friday, February 13, 2015

Encouragement to those at WAR! with themselves

As I go through this journey of finding myself, I find myself being at war with myself rather than anyone or anything else and all I could think of music to inspire me not to give up.

The songs that came to mind was Alfa Garcia's WAR! 

I prefer this video because its more intimate for me, but here is the link to the OFFICIAL VIDEO: WAR! 

I am 30 years old trying to figure out my life and my purpose. Let's' not mistake this for pre-mid-life crisis. So far I know what is innately inside me. Now I just have to figure out how to make the innate useful and answer questions like: How do I live, create a family and enjoy life with it? 

I'm learning to be not the me that I was a year ago or 5 years ago, but be the me that I want to be today and work forward. Of course, taking life lessons along the way. 

God created me to be unique and you too.
Now, you and I both can learn to use are innate abilities and use them to not only benefit ourselves, but those around us.

My journey is not exactly like yours, but we're both going through something and why not encourage one another. right?

I hope this encourages you as it did me this morning.

Thank you Alfa Garcia for your encouragement today.

#discoveringlife #alfagarcia #journey #musictherapy #encouragement 

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