Monday, February 9, 2015

I'm Lost. Are you?

I was inefficient today in making any headway with my new fashion piece.
I found myself watching an classic Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand movie, The Way We Were.
I found out that I did not get a job because my skills were inadequate.
I was sitting on the couch, with the television off and covered in my favorite blanket and tears began to roll down my cheeks and overwhelming sadness.
Reason: I felt lost with no directions.

I don't know why that scares me, why that saddens me. Maybe I was expecting greater things for myself and because of how I grew up and how I "trained" myself to be that I needed to live a humble life, it my mind, it has gotten me to where I am of the feeling of not knowing where I want to go and just living with no purpose except doing the best in what I am doing. That all sounds peaceful and great, but when you have this gut feeling that there has to be more to my life than this and not knowing what that particular thing would be is driving me crazy.

People say that you discover life by exploring, but for a person who never really had to drive or desire to and just enjoyed the simplicity of life without feeling the need for exploration due to fear of the unknown, how do you discover life?

Now I am at a place where I regret not taking after some bold qualities in those around me and taking on challenges, having crazy work schedules doing what I found enjoyable and going out with friends just enjoying the moment.

While sobbing and praying to God and asking why I feel like this and trying not to contact my husband because he was in a meeting and not to worry him. I was contemplating if I should post how I was feeling on Facebook.

After long contemplation, I ended up on the internet on my phone and typed in the search bar, "I'm lost" and an article came up called "10 Things To Remember When You Feel Lost And Alone.

You can click on the website if you want to read into it in more depth.
But this was my gentle reality check:

1. You are not alone in being alone.
2. Sometimes when you’re lonely, you need to be alone.
3. You have to be a little lost first to find what you’re looking for.
4. It's all about accepting the reality of what is.
5. In every situation. YOU choose your attitude.
6. Being alone does not mean you are lonely, and being lonely does not mean you are alone.
7. Everyone you care about does NOT need to support your decisions.
8. You are not who you used to be, and that's OK.
9. The best you can do changes from day to day,
10. It all matters in the end - every step, every regret, every smile, and every struggle.

And in #10, the description was the following:
The seemingly useless happenings add up to something.  The minimum wage job you had in high school.  The evenings you spent socializing with colleagues you never see anymore.  The hours you spent writing thoughts on a personal blog that no one reads.  Contemplations about elaborate future plans that never came to be.  All those lonely nights spent reading novels and news columns and comics strips and fashion magazines and questioning your own principles on life and sex and religion and whether or not you’re good enough just the way you are.  All of this has strengthened you.  All of this has led you to every success you’ve ever had.  All of this has made you who you are today.

I hope that if you're feeling lost, that you can be encouraged today.
God works. Just not they way we imagine.

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