Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kite Flying!

I stood in the luscious grass and began to feel the wind take the kite soaring to new heights, the song that popped into my head was from the Disney classic, Mary Poppins, "Let's Go Fly a Kite". As I began humming that song, the words of the melody came to life and I began to dance with the kite. It was a joyous serene moment of life.

Who knew flying a kite could make you feel so relaxed?

I had not flown a kite in quite some time and I have no idea why I stopped in the first place, but when setting up for this flying session, it was almost like it never left my memory bank.
So this blog, as you can see is going to be dedicated to learning how to fly a kite. You can check out the video by clicking ------> How to Fly a Kite

My husband and I bought a kite kit at our local Rite Aid for about $7.00

Our kit included: (See diagram on right as example)

  • Kite Sail (the cloth material to make the sail)
  • Two Rods (one longer than the other for the Spine & Cross Spar)
  • Tail (ours looked like long plastic streamers)
  • Bridle (the tension where the Kite Line is connected)
  • Kite Spool (where the kite line is wound)

Building Method:

  1. One the Kite Sail, you will see four small sleeve, one on each corner.
  2. Take the longer rod and place it in the sleeves on the longer part of the kite sail. This will make the Spine
  3. Place the shorter rod across the spine into the sleeves. This will make the Cross Spar. Now, the kite will take shape similar to the diagram on the right.
  4.  Tie the Kite Line to the Bridle tightly. (I folded the line in half before double knotting it to the bridle.
  5. Our Tail was rubber banded, so we just needed to take it off, but if you have to tie yours, then it can always be tied to the lower end of the spine and tucked into the sleeve.

On my channel, I posted a vlog about how to fly a kite, but I will explain in little bit of detail here:
  1. Before taking your kite, reminder....patience will be necessary, just in case you do not get the hang of it the first time.
  2. After you build your kite and it's ready to go, go to a large open space where you can wander with your kite.
  3. Wind direction is important, check the wind and make sure your back is turned toward the direction the wind so the kite will catch the wind.
  4. Make sure you pay attention to the level of tightness on your Kite Line because if it's too tight, it could snap, but if it's too loose, the kite will fall. 
  5. You can unwind the Kite Line as necessary to give your kite some height. 
Thanks for learning with me!


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