Wednesday, February 8, 2017

New decisions: Affordability vs. Comfort

Affordability and Comfort has been a balance on a thin line that only stays stable until something makes it kilter. That "something" can be increased rent, relocation, decrease in income and/or etc. Recently the affordability-comfort balance has become a debate for my household. Having to create the mental pros and cons related to staying where we are, moving to a more affordable apartment which equals downsizing, location, and various other reasons.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Continuing the journey...


In the last six months, there have been some new developments.

FIRST THINGS FIRST! My Love side project.....I have been working on with my husband (My Love). For me, it was a fun activity that I can do with my husband and for him, it helps him in the way he feels fulfilled which is making music. This is exciting because I have never been part of something this real when it comes to being part of the creation except my small crafting projects, so it is cool to see something I have
contributed work to come to fruition and be able to collaborate and experience the creativity of other individuals in different ways.

When you have a chance, check out the music video!

Second, I have been planning for the future.
What do I mean by the future? I mean family.
My husband and I have been married for 3 years now and planning for the future is not easy when there is no definite answer of what is going to happen, but for someone who has based her life solely on defining the happiness of life on stability, this is a new direction I am taking for the better of myself and my future family.

So, in order to prepare for the future of being a stay-at-home mom, I have decided to start my own online business. I have a hard time making decisions especially big ones where I have to use money and my social security number to start it. Have you ever felt excited and sick to your stomach all at the same time due to the nervousness and anxiety that swells up into your heart and brain as you think about the end results of every decision you make from here on out??
Yes. That's how I felt when I decided to become self-employed.

This is a new adventure for me as a move forward and although the business might have its ups and downs, I am happy to do it if it gives me joy and that I can help provide for my family.

I will have more information on my new business venture as I settle in.

Thank you for going on my journey with me!

Until next blog, Stay Tuned and Happy Adventures!

If you'd like to join me, subscribe to my blog and my YouTube Channel!

Wanderlusting at Jo-Ann's!!

 Jo-Ann's Jo-Ann's oh how I love thee!

No matter what your Jo-Ann's looks like, the inside (some better than others) is usually the same, but never a bad day at Jo-Ann's whether it is planned or spontaneous.

As a person with a secret addiction of crafting, this store is the ultimate satisfaction to that crafting crave by fulfilling my creativity by giving such an array of possibilities.

Check out my vlog of my spontaneous walk-through of Jo-Ann's!

So, while on our way home from visiting family, my husband treated me to a time of aimless enjoyment walking through Jo-Ann's.

I had remembered that my sister-in-law had given me a project idea for my new nephew. A swaddling blanket and bibs. You'll see that in my vlog post when you click on the link above.

Now, I am not saying that I am perfect in any way, but my intentions were good. I bought the fabric that I wanted to use for the blanket as well as the bibs. BUT..... still haven't gotten to them and my nephews are a little older, so I need to hurry a little bit.

So here is where I am at so far with this spontaneous idea:
  1. So I am at part one where I bought the fabric. 
  2. The 1st half of Part 2 where I have made my pattern and pinned it onto the fabric. The Other Half of Part 2 is cutting the pattern out which I haven't done yet.
  3. Part 3, 4 and so still yet to come!
I will have a detailed video of explaining how I made my swaddling blanket and bibs in the NEAR future!

Stay Tuned and Happy Adventures! 

If you haven'ts already, subscribe to my blog and my YouTube Channel

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kite Flying!

I stood in the luscious grass and began to feel the wind take the kite soaring to new heights, the song that popped into my head was from the Disney classic, Mary Poppins, "Let's Go Fly a Kite". As I began humming that song, the words of the melody came to life and I began to dance with the kite. It was a joyous serene moment of life.

Who knew flying a kite could make you feel so relaxed?

I had not flown a kite in quite some time and I have no idea why I stopped in the first place, but when setting up for this flying session, it was almost like it never left my memory bank.

Korean Friendship Bell

As we drove down the hillside to arrive at what looked like a normal park, in the distance, there was a pagoda standing alone. The serenity of the wind and sunlight created the perfect ambiance. As the pagoda began to fill my view, the purpose of my visit became clearer as a vision of friendship in the form of a bell. The Korean Friendship Bell that is.

History is a mysterious beauty in which it becomes more enticing as you uncover more in-depth and the history detective that I am, I wanted to know more about the historical Korean Friendship Bell that might not have been shared at the actual monument. So, I went onto the City of San Pedro website and I was able to get some more detailed information about this bell. If you want to see the scenic version of this, please click here on the Korean Friendship Bell.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Discovery with History: Murphy Bed

Hello beautiful people!
It has been some time since I have put up any blogs. I noticed something about myself recently where I think something is a new idea, but realize that they actually have been around for some time. My latest discovery with history is the Murphy bed.

All About the Man! Pattern-Making Edition!

Now that you have all the measurements, there is a process in how to measure and draw each measurement. I was able to learn the basics of the process and I thought it was more helpful to have it written down as well as a video.


  • Each point should be labeled with numbers in order to help you keep track of where you are in the process.
  • Use pencil color that is visible to the color of the paper you're using. 
  • Draw closer to the edge to save paper.
  • As I refer to sections, the patternmaking sections will be abbreviated to "PM" and the measurement sections will be "M".